thebigtop-blog: Music Documentary : How To Fix The Music Industry

Music Documentary : How To Fix The Music Industry

Director: Max Tolkoff
Co-Producers: Sat Bisla & Brandon Fuller
Editing: Kurt St Thomas

Max Tolkoff presents a 30 min documentary on the huge subject on how to sort out the trouble that the music industry has found itself over the last couple of years. Rather than a set view, he goes and finds the people who are in the music business and asks them where they think it`s going and what they think will be its saviour. He also asks members of the public with varying degrees of knowledge (or interest) what they think is wrong with music distribution too.

Ignore the Star Wars intro. I`m not quite sure why it`s there. It goes little off subject for the last five mins but nonetheless it gets the thumbs up from me. It`s  great to get a feel for what people in the industry think without some idiot presenter who knows nothing about the music asking stupid questions. For example: Whenever there`s any feature on mainstream TV about this subject matter, Lilly Allen and the Arctics monkeys always gets mentioned lazily as the proof of that internet or myspace being the future of how to break into the charts with just a few clicks. Yeah right.

What is also nice about the doc is that it`s chiefly based in the UK, so most the views within come from  people who share our experience in this global market. Everything from the influence of radio, music blogs, promotion and piracy are all covered in this doc. Good Stuff.

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