thebigtop-blog: Rhubarb Bomb - The City Consumes Us.

Rhubarb Bomb - The City Consumes Us.

We are one city in the shire. But there are other cities too. We`re not only ones making music only because we got out of bed today, next to us is the city of Wakefield. Full of bands, artists and other creative types .. but if you read the British nationals, you won`t hear nothing about it.

But somebody does care. Cares enough to put on festivals, release books, zines and albums.... because they love their city and what it`s got to say and how it feels.

It`s Rhubarb Bomb.

The Rhubarb Bomb is a Wakefield based fanzine, and a damn good read! It is currently celebrating it’s 5th Birthday and as part of their celebrations they are releasing a book and compilation album titled ‘The City Consumes Us’.

The book is the story of the music scene in Wakefield over the years that The Rhubarb Bomb has been publishing, featuring interviews new and old, articles and photos documenting the recent years of the West Yorkshire city.

The album features Wakefield bands The Cribs, The Research, Skint & Demoralised, Middleman, The Spills, Runaround Kids, Piskie Sits, Pylon, Lapels, The Old House, Mi Mye, St Gregory Orange, Protectors, Imp, The Whippets, One Day, After School… and The Passing Fancy, plus more ....

We totally love these geezers as they appreciate the creativity of their local scene and want nothing more than to share it with you, and have been solidly doing so for years. (a bit like us!) BTW the artwork in their zine is sick.

Their blogger is here, podcasts are here and thunderbirds are go.


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